Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Why must we continue to use the word "nigga"?

SO, I got sum flack from my last blog from a couple of people. I won't mention their names but this one here is for you "PEOPLE." So I'm driving home from work & school tonight thinking I had a pretty good damn day. There's was nothing to piss me off or make me throw chairs. I had a great fucking day... til I check my facebook!!! I have feedback on my link to my blog saying "Why must we continue to use the word "nigga..." & it's "derogatory!" Lol, well duh!!!
I'm thinking like did I not hit every race possible when I said it? Besides it was suppose to be more funnier than anything. However, I guess people took it the wrong way so let me break it down for you again
(Clears throat...)
You ask why must "We" use the word "Nigga" because of it's derogatory use? Let's view this from Webster's point. Derogatory means: ending to lessen the merit or reputation of a person or thing.
However the term "nigga" has several different expressions. It can be used casually, threatening, lyrically and of course historically.
I do believe my last entry expressed at least 3 out of 4.
I mean Black scholars such as Cornell West, Michael Eric Dyson, and Todd Boyd have used the word to express a point but people "think" it should be banned from the English language...Please!!!
The word “nigga” in this usage can easily be replaced by, brother, partner,homie, dude and homeboy to convey the same point in the question asked above.
However, I didn't want to go that route. You asked "WHY must we continue to use the word..."? I don't know, but I can tell you why I do because I have a different stand point on the word that goes far beyond any book sense.

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